so Here's another place to talk about sewing machine repair, scissor sharpening, vintage sewing machines in St. Louis, and vintage machine repair. This is important because you never know when you're going to need a sewing machine repair and a repair of Scissors sharpened. we sharpen pinking shears too; being that we offer a pinking shear sharpening service, and we would love to help you get your scissors sharpened.

A lot of things can go wrong with a machine. Below are some of the more common things we run into with the rest being done on an estimate/quote basis.
Sewing machine COAT
Clean, Oil, Adjust, Tension:
Our signature treatment; all machines receive this as a matter of routine.
All working parts are thoroughly cleaned, appropriately lubricated and inspected for damage, each joint is inspected for problematic thread-wraps, foreign bodies and impacted lint, interconnected fine adjustments are checked for optimal performance, the motor, speed control and wiring are checked for soundness and the machine is lightly cleaned on the outside. the machine receives a new needle, is tested on appropriate fabric and the tension is calibrated to perform optimally in the widest fabric variety.
If a machine is not sewing properly when it arrives at our shop, or if any of the controls are faulty and need repair, the process of correcting these problems varies in scope.
Most machines need basic service to start out with; If additional work beyond service is necessary, this is conducted at our hourly shop rate.
We do everything possible to guide in what to expect when we meet and see your particular machine. If additional work will be required, we estimate this the best of our ability when you bring it in.
We do reserve the right to spontaneously replace incidental parts and perform small extra repairs up to $20 over the basic COAT charge if they are noticed during the procedure and deemed necessary. This is usually done when a small part like a bobbin winder tire is found to be faulty mid-service. We've found this to be the best way to keep costs down for everyone.
Serger Service
Sergers are uncovered, thoroughly cleaned and lubricated, inspected for damage, correctly threaded and tested. Necessary small adjustments are made to refine the stitch formation and edge finishing ability. Needles and knives are checked for wear and sharpened or replaced at extra cost. All electrical systems are inspected for safety and soundness and the machine is cleaned on the outside
Fallback Pricing
Unfortunately, when any device is broken there will occasionally be situations where extensive repairs don't make sense. We understand this problem and make efforts to minimize the headaches when these issues are found. Our fallback pricing is a minimum amount that covers the time and resources involved with receiving a machine, booking it in our system, removing/replacing covers and either returning it to you or arranging for it's free disposal. Sometimes we are able to spot a major problem early enough to use this price as a financial "safety mechanism"!
As our experience and reputation expands, traveling visits to industrial machines and large cabinet models are becoming popular. Because of the unique nature of this type of work, jobs of this type are billed by total time spent on each case. Solutions are usually arrived at within 1-5 hours on the job.
Contact for Pricing
We are fast building a reputation for the highest quality workmanship in the St. Louis area when it comes to sharpening and repair on all manner of edged tools. Come find out what it's like to use a pair of scissors that cut BETTER than new!
Dressmakers and Pinking Shears - $10.00
*These prices are subject to change.